Thursday, September 3, 2009

How I Get Ready to Write

Hi everyone - I think in order to make it more readable on this page, we should put all posts of the same subject in one thread. When you post your pre-writing process, please do it as a comment here.



  1. This is from Spencer (sorry, I had to copy and paste the first couple):

    Well first off, I have to be in a quiet place away from distractions. This allows me to focus 100% on my writing. Hopefully, whatever it is I have to write about is new and interesting. Next, I take time brainstorming on how to get started. It seems like getting the first few thoughts down on paper are the hardest part and take the most time. Once I'm past that stage, things usually begin to flow better. Since it's my rough draft, i don't take much time editing my first time through-i just write as fast and as much as possible. This way I can get my thoughts out and can take all the time I need later on to revise and edit. : )

  2. This is from Samijo:

    I've never really blogged before so hopefully I'm doing this right...

    The ways in which I get ready to write are, first I find a topic if one has not been given to me already. I usually read examples of the type of paper I have to write in order to get a feel for what is acceptable. Then I begin to free write about my topic. I personally do not like making webs or outlines. After I free write I go back and make the necessary changes that I think should be made. The hardest part for me is getting started. The first paragragh definetly takes me the longest so if anyone has a way to make it easier let me know :)

  3. I usually start all of my writing assignments the same way each time I get them. I usually start by just thinking about the topic and try to gain knowledge of it. After that I usually just start writing the paper. Once I get a rough draft with ideas I go back and rearrange them and continue with editing. And hopefully if everything works out good I get to turn in a good paper.

  4. To get ready to write a paper or an essay I usually listen to the topic and any specific things that need to be addressed in the paper. I will brainstorm about the topic for 10 minutes or so without writing anything down. For the rest of the day I will go and mess around; I will exercise, play video games, or hang out with my friends. The following day I think about it a little more but usually won't sit down to write on the topic until the third day. By the third day my brain has flickered on and off on the topic many times. When I start writing I like there to be music, because it keep my writing flowing to the beat. I will write as much as I can as fast as I can, figuring that I can edit as much as I want later. While writing all of the collective thoughts of the past two days will come back and it will all go into my paper.

  5. When i begin to write I first have to think of a topic. I spend most of my time just thinking about what a good subject may be. After I figure out what I want to write about I sit down in a quiet rooom and just start to type. I don't brain storm much, i just begine typing and fix whatever needs to be when im all finished.

  6. When i begin to write i just sit down think for five minutes and write whatever comes to my mind and then go back and add things here and there! I make it better that way and then when i think it is ready to print i just print it and call it a rough draft. by the way im not very good with grammer so sorry if it wrong!!!

  7. Mandy Phillips:

    When I start thinking about something I am going to write, I go insane! I have the hardest time thinking of subjects to write about. So to begin I just write down a list of things I am interested in or would be a good subject. Then once I pick a subject I just start writing and it all comes out on paper.

  8. FarrisP:

    i have no idea what im doing! I am about to start my narrative and have no idea what im going to write about.

    My response:

    Pat, have you used the techniques in the book to try and brainstorm or pre-write?

    You could try freewriting. Just keep answering the question, "What do I remember?"

    Keep writing, "I remember . . . "

    When you run out of things to say about one thing, say it again: "I remember . . . "

    If you do these things and you're still having a lot of trouble, email me.

  9. When I start to write a paper, I usually just stare at the screen for a good five minutes deciding what to write about. The hardest part of writing for me is coming up with what to write about, so I just write down ideas and thoughts and then make sentences out of them once I get going.

  10. When I get ready to write a paper i like to clear my head by not having anything distracting around me like music or t.v.. Then I begin to brainstorm and work that into separate paragraphs and supporting paragraphs. Then I just go through the normal steps, rough draft revise rough draft revise then final.

  11. When I'm trying to start writing something I usually listen to music. It can't be loud or distracting though, I usually listen to Coldplay or Bob Marley. I sit down for about 10 minutes and think about all of the things I can write about and try to map them out in my head to make sure I have a good story. I start writing the paper, but I usually leave the introduction to do last.

  12. I finished my paper. I usually brainstorm and do pre writing. however, this time I just sat down and started typing. I think the start went well and kind of went down hill from there but that why it is only a first draft!
